Thursday, November 3, 2011

     "We don’t have a theory of everything, we very well may never have one. I for one will never stop trying; even if we reach a point that can not be expanded." -Brian Greene, The Elegant Universe Page 260.
     I think what this says about the protagonist in my book (Brain Greene) is that he is a very persistent person. Though he has strong beliefs on wether we are going to find this ultimate theory that explains everything about the universe, he continues to try though he thinks he knows the final outcome.
     I do not think that Brain Greene will discover the theory of everything. Though he has the right idea, and is very intelligent; I thin that the final theory is beyond a humans capability to understand, and even if it was to be found, we wouldn’t be able to understand it. This most likely stop Brain Greene, he will probably continue to search until the day he dies.
This video briefly explains some of Brian Greenes accomplishments.


  1. Interesting post, Aidan. It's different how you're book is nonfiction and all about physics,but you still managed to find a protagonist because these things are easier to apply to works of fiction.

    You must really like this book (and by the way, all of your posts aren't up yet)because you keep using it for your blog posts. There are a couple spelling errors. If you use Mozilla Firefox, you won't have this problem thanks to the spell check dictionary, but I know you have problems with computers so I'll just leave that alone.

    I really agree with the following statement:

    "I thin[k] that the final theory is beyond a human[']s capability to understand, and even if it was to be found, we wouldn’t be able to understand it."

    It's what I've been telling people forever.

  2. I agree with Tati. Its very interesting that you can find character archetypes is nonfiction books. I admire Brian Greene's passion for finding theories. If more people around the world were like that I think our world would be a more interesting place with more opportunities. I watched the beginning of the video that you posted and it got me thinking about that it may be possible that there is a fourth dimension. Great post! Its very fascinating.
