Sunday, November 13, 2011

William didn’t look up again until he had fed. “We’re vampires.” He finally whispered to the murdered couple. -James Patterson, Violets Are Blue pg. 39

            The vampire-like killers in this novel remind me of the young vampires from the twilight series. In this book, two boys and their pet tiger have been living and feeding off people in San Francisco for some time. Like the vampires from twilight; they were taught by those who were original vampires, and essentially created by them, though they were not infected by a bite. They are more like serial killers than vampires though, as they wish to kill not to spread the vampire “curse.” They are also better at covering up their tracks than the twilight vampires, and never leave any DNA or finger prints at a crime scene, where as the twilight vampires kill their victims and leave them where they drop.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

     "We don’t have a theory of everything, we very well may never have one. I for one will never stop trying; even if we reach a point that can not be expanded." -Brian Greene, The Elegant Universe Page 260.
     I think what this says about the protagonist in my book (Brain Greene) is that he is a very persistent person. Though he has strong beliefs on wether we are going to find this ultimate theory that explains everything about the universe, he continues to try though he thinks he knows the final outcome.
     I do not think that Brain Greene will discover the theory of everything. Though he has the right idea, and is very intelligent; I thin that the final theory is beyond a humans capability to understand, and even if it was to be found, we wouldn’t be able to understand it. This most likely stop Brain Greene, he will probably continue to search until the day he dies.
This video briefly explains some of Brian Greenes accomplishments.